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Suprabhatam, Tirumala – Padmavathi travels , Chennai

Theme of Sri Venkateswara Suprabhatam

There are several themes and sub themes in the text of Suprabhtam. It is reflective of the individual as well as the collective beliefs of the devotees.

First Section

The first section is named Suprabhatam. But the entire prayer is known as Suprabhatam too. It considers the Lord King-emperor with all the royal prerogatives and privileges of the Ruler. It equates Sri Venkatesa with the incarnation of Rama. The very first verse is from Valmiki's Ramayana wherein Sage Viswamitra awakens the young Rama, urges him to be worthy of his parentage. announces the day-break and instructs him to perform his daily spiritual routine.

Second Section

Second section is in praise of the lord and prays for His Success. He is seen as a great romantic with Lakshmi for his permanent bosom companion.

Third Section

The 3rd section is supplication. It is surrender, total and irreversible. The devotee is engulfed by his worldly pre-occupations. There are several factors, internal and external, that are inimical to his spiritual development. He need to be rescued. He falls a the feet of the Lord and his spouse. The Lord’s soles have distinctive features to confirm he is Vishnu.

Fourth Section

The 4th Section is benediction, a ceremonial prayer seeking divine protection to the divine. The fear that something can go wrong the author invoke divine intervention. The evil eye of someone may do damage even to the Lord because He is embodied. Again the devotee feels that by seeking the help of the heavenly forces, he can ward off the possible ill effects of such eyes. Furthermore, there is the belied that there are the 'tathaa astu' celestial who keep saying 'may it be so' to every uttered wish.

Early Morning Prayer – Suprabhatam

"kausalyā suprajā rāma pūrvāsandhyā pravartate
uttisṭḥ a naraśārdūla kartavyaṃ daivamāhnikam I"

Arise Rama !

Precious child of the noble Kausalya | It's twilight in the east Wake up, Rama, The best among men ! You should perform your morning ritual !

Get up, Govinda

"uttisṭḥ ottisṭḥ a govinda uttisṭḥ a garudạ dhvaja |
uttisṭḥ a kamalākānta trailokyaṃ maṅgalạ ṃ kuru || 2 ||".

Get up, Govinda, get up, Lord of the eagle banner ! Get up, the spouse of Lakshmi Bestow the auspicious on all the 3 worlds

"vaksọ vihārinị manohara divyamūrte |
śrīsvāmini śritajanapriya dānaśīle
śrī veṅkatẹ śa dayite tava suprabhātam || 3 ||".

Mother of all the worlds, Resident of Vishnu's Bosom Enchanting Celestial form bright chief, Benefactor of those seeking your protection ! Spouse of Lord venkateswara , Good Morning !

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Worshipped by

"tava suprabhātamaravinda locane
bhavatu prasannamukha candramanḍ ạ le |
vidhi śaṅkarendra vanitābhirarcite
vrṣ́ a śailanātha dayite dayānidhe || 4 || ".

Devi, good morning to you whose eyes are like the lotus and the bright face of the full moon; the consorts of Brahma, Sankara and Indra pay their respects to you the ocean of mercy dear to the Lord of the Vrishabadri.


"traivikramādi caritaṃ vibudhāḥstuvanti |
bhāsạ̄ patiḥpatḥati vāsara śuddhi mārāt
śesạ̄dri śekhara vibho tava suprabhātam || 6 || ".

All the Gods from Brahma, Shiva, Shanmukha and others are praising your TriVikrama avathara, Bruhaspathi, the Purohita of Devas is reading out the Panchangam (almanac), O Lord may this morning be glorious.

The Parrots Sing

"unmīlyanetra yugamuttama pañjarasthāḥ
pātrāvasisṭạ kadalī phala pāyasāni |
bhuktvāḥsalīla mathakelị śukāḥpatḥ anti
śesạ̄ dri śekhara vibho tava suprabhātam || 8 || ".

The playful parrots open their eyes wide, eat the banana splits and the sweetened milkdish in the bowls. They greet you musically , Lord of the summit of Seshadri, Good morning to you !

The bees hum

"bhrṇ̇ gāvalị̄ ca makaranda rasānu viddha
jhuṅkāragīta ninadaiḥsahasevanāya |
niryātyupānta sarasī kamalodarebhyaḥ
śesạ̄ dri śekhara vibho tava suprabhātam || 10 || ".

The bees, honey fed, hum their music and come out of the lotuses in the lake close by to worship you. Lord of the summit of Seshadri, Good morning to you !

Pots compete with the drums

"padmeśamitra śatapatra gatālịvargāḥ
hartuṃ śriyaṃ kuvalayasya nijāṅgalaksṃ yāḥ
| bherī ninādamiva bhibhrati tīvranādam
śesạ̄ dri śekhara vibho tava suprabhātam || 12 || ".

The cluster of bees resting in the sun friendly lotuses with a hundred petals as if to drive out the gleam ensuing from the dark flowers with their own light, hum furiously like they beating the wardrums

Important Gods awaiting

"śrī svāmi pusḳ arinị kāplava nirmalāṅgāḥ
śreyārthino haraviriñci sanandanādyāḥ |
dvāre vasanti varanetra hatotta māṅgāḥ
śrī veṅkatạ̄ calapate tava suprabhātam || 14 || ".

Having taken their holy dip in the Swami pushkarini, Gods like Brahma and Siva and sages such as Sanandana are waiting at the door for your Dharsan with their hands raised holding the rattan cane (for controlling the crowds). Lord of sri venkatachala, Good morning to you !

The chiefs of the quarters awaits

"sevāparāḥśiva sureśa krṣ́ ānudharma
raksọ mbunātha pavamāna dhanādhi nāthāḥ |
baddhāñjali pravilasannija śīrsạ deśāḥ
śrī veṅkatạ̄ calapate tava suprabhātam || 16 || ".

Siva, Indra, Agni, Yama, Nirruti Varuna, Vayu, and Kubera, the eight chiefs of the quarters, their hands respectively folded and held on their heads, are ready to serve you Lord of sri venkatachala, Good morning to you !

Their Worry

"tat-pādadhūlị bharita sphuritottamāṅgāḥ
svargāpavarga nirapeksạ nijāntaraṅgāḥ |
kalpāgamā kalanayākulatāṃ labhante
śrī veṅkatạ̄ calapate tava suprabhātam || 19 || ".

Your devotees have been purified by the dust of your feet, are serving you with intense devotion forgetting their real interest in Moksha and doubting whether they could get this opportunity in their next birth or not.

Your place preferred

"tvadgopurāgra śikharānị nirīksạ mānạ̄ ḥ
svargāpavarga padavīṃ paramāṃ śrayantaḥ |
martyā manusỵ a bhuvane matimāśrayante
śrī veṅkatạ̄ calapate tava suprabhātam || 20 || ".

People eligible to go to heaven and for salvation, on their way notice the peaks of your temple tower, change their mind and prefer to live on the earth Lord of Sri Venkatachala, Good Morning to you !

Wish Fulfiller

"śrī padmanābha purusọ ttama vāsudeva
vaikunṭḥ a mādhava janārdhana cakrapānẹ |
śrī vatsa cihna śaranạ̄ gata pārijāta
śrī veṅkatạ̄ calapate tava suprabhātam || 22 || ".

You are the Padmanabha , Purushottama, Vasudeva, Vaikunta, Madhava, Janardhan, Chakrapani ! You have the mole Srivasta on your chest You fulfill every wish of those who seek your refuge like the parijata tree ! Lord of Sri Venkatachala, Good Morning to you !

Ten Avatars

"mīnākrṭe kamatḥ akolanrṣ iṃha varnịn
svāmin paraśvatha tapodhana rāmacandra |
śesạ̄ ṃśarāma yadunandana kalkirūpa
śrī veṅkatạ̄ calapate tava suprabhātam || 24 || ".

You assumed the form of the fish, the tortoise, the boar, the man-lion, the Vamana, the axe-wielding ascetic, Rama, Balrama, Kirshna and Kalki ! Lord of Vekatachala! Good Morning to you

God, Saint and yogis awaits

"brahmādayā ssuravarā ssamaharsạ yaste
santassanandana mukhāstvatha yogivaryāḥ |
dhāmāntike tava hi maṅgalạ vastu hastāḥ
śrī veṅkatạ̄ calapate tava suprabhātam || 27 || ".

The creator Brahma and the others, the best of the celestial s, along with the great rishis, holy men, Sanandana, and other great yogis, are waiting at your door step carrying in their hands auspicious materials to worship you Lord of Vekatachala! Good Morning to you

The Seven Sages

"atryādi saptarṣạ yassamupāsya sandhyāṃ
ākāśa sindhu kamalāni manoharānị |
ādāya pādayuga marcayituṃ prapannāḥ
śesạ̄dri śekhara vibho tava suprabhātam || 5 || ".

Atri and the rest of the 7 sages who sought your refuge completed their twilight prayers, brought the lovely lotuses from the celestial cascade to worship at your feet ! Lord of the summit of Seshadri, Good Morning to you!

The Breeze

"īśat-praphulla sarasīruha nārikelạ
pūgadrumādi sumanohara pālikānām |
āvāti mandamanilaḥsahadivya gandhaiḥ
śesạ̄ dri śekhara vibho tava suprabhātam || 7 || ".

The breeze carries gently with it the heavenly aroma of the just blooming lotuses, the coconuts and the other flowers. Lord of the summit of Seshadri, Good Morning to you !

Sage Narada

"tantrī prakarsạ madhura svanayā vipañcyā
gāyatyananta caritaṃ tava nārado'pi |
bhāsạ̄ samagra masat-krṭacāru ramyaṃ
śesạ̄ dri śekhara vibho tava suprabhātam || 9 || ".

Lord of the summit of Seshadri, Good morning to you !

Pots compete with the quarters

"yosạ̄ ganẹ na varadadhni vimathyamāne
ghosạ̄ layesụ dadhimanthana tīvraghosạ̄ ḥ |
rosạ̄ tkaliṃ vidadhate kakubhaśca kumbhāḥ
śesạ̄ dri śekhara vibho tava suprabhātam || 11 || ".

The milkmaids churn the curd-pots in their homes . The echo and the re-echo sound like an altercation between the quarters and the pots.

Lord of the summit of Seshadri, Good morning to you !

Rich, friendly, kind Lord

"śrīmannabhīsṭạ varadākhila loka bandho
śrī śrīnivāsa jagadeka dayaika sindho |
śrī devatā grḥ a bhujāntara divyamūrte
śrī veṅkatạ̄ calapate tava suprabhātam || 13 || ".

Lord, You grant our wishes | You are everybody's kinsman | you are the home of the goddess of wealth | You are the one and only ocean of compassion | You look splendid with Lakshmi, ever on your bosom Lord of sri venkatachala, Good morning to you !

Mountain Range

"śrī śesạ śaila garudạ̄ cala veṅkatạ̄ dri
nārāyanạ̄ dri vrṣ ạ bhādri vrṣ ạ̄ dri mukhyām |
ākhyāṃ tvadīya vasate raniśaṃ vadanti
śrī veṅkatạ̄ calapate tava suprabhātam || 15 || ".

People call your mountain home by several names variously as Seshachala, Garudachala, Venkatadri, Narayanadri, Vrishabahadri and Vrishadri.

Your staff begs for privilege

"dhātị̄sụ te vihagarāja mrg̣ ādhirāja
nāgādhirāja gajarāja hayādhirājāḥ |
svasvādhikāra mahimādhika marthayante
śrī veṅkatạ̄ calapate tava suprabhātam || 17 || ".

When you go out,
Garuda, the kind of birds Simha,
the king of beasts Adisesha,
the king of snakes Airavata,
the king of elephants and Uccaisrava,
the king of horses Beg of you the privilege,
power and authority to carry you in parade Lord of sri venkatachala, Good morning to you !

Planet god rank below

sūryendu bhauma budhavākpati kāvyaśauri
svarbhānuketu diviśat-pariśat-pradhānāḥ |
tvaddāsadāsa caramāvadhi dāsadāsāḥ
śrī veṅkatạ̄ calapate tava suprabhātam || 18 ||

Celebrity family and staff

"śrī bhūmināyaka dayādi gunạ̄ mrṭābde
devādideva jagadeka śaranỵ amūrte |
śrīmannananta garudạ̄ dibhi rarcitāṅghre
śrī veṅkatạ̄ calapate tava suprabhātam || 21 || ".

Spouse of Sri Devi and Bhu Devi ! Nectarine ocean of compassion and such other immortal qualities Chief of the celestial s ! the only savior of the entire world ! most Affluent ! Ananta, the divine snake, Garuda, the divine bird, and many more fall on your feet Lord of Sri Venkatachala, Good Morning to you !

Your Form Concern and reputation

"kandarpa darpa hara sundara divya mūrte
kāntā kucāmburuha kutṃ ala loladrṣ ṭẹ |
kalyānạ nirmala gunạ̄ kara divyakīrte
śrī veṅkatạ̄ calapate tava suprabhātam || 23 || ".

Your form is more beautiful than that of Manmatha, the God of Love Your Divine distinction is that you are that home for all those qualities, auspicious and unblemished ! Lord of Vekatachala! Good Morning to you.

Priest awaits

"elālavaṅga ghanasāra sugandhi tīrthaṃ
divyaṃ viyatsaritu hemaghatẹ sụ pūrnạm |
dhrṭvādya vaidika śikhāmanạ yaḥprahrṣṭạ̄ḥ
tisṭḥanti veṅkatạ pate tava suprabhātam || 25 || ".

The learned priests collected in gold pitchers the holy water from the ganga, cascading from the sky, and added fragrant spices. Cheerfully they wait to worship you Lord of Vekatachala! Good Morning to you.

Attributes in a tribute

"lakśmīnivāsa niravadya gunạ ika
sindho saṃsārasāgara samuttaranạ ika seto |
vedānta vedya nijavaibhava bhakta bhogya
śrī veṅkatạ̄ calapate tava suprabhātam || 28 || ".

Home of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, the only bridge enabling the people cross the ocean of Samsara. Your glory can be realized only through the Upanishads You give your devotees all that they enjoy. Lord of Venkatachala ! Good morning to you

Fruits of prayer recitation

"itthaṃ vrṣ ạ̄ calapateriha suprabhātaṃ
ye mānavāḥpratidinaṃ patḥ ituṃ pravrṭ tāḥ |
tesạ̄ ṃ prabhāta samaye smrṭiraṅgabhājāṃ
praṅñāṃ parārtha sulabhāṃ paramāṃ prasūte || 29 || ".

People reciting this prayer to the Lord of Venkatachala everyday, early in the morning are surely blessed by remembering the Lord. The remembrance helps them again The Supreme understanding easily.


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